i will not be underestimated

December 19, 2010

especially where multiple-choice tests are concerned.

they said beginners don’t need placement tests. and i said, excusez-moi, madame, but i ain’t no beginner. i’m an advanced beginner thankyouverymuch! she begrudgingly handed me the way-too-long document. but when all was said and done, anotha assessor had to acquiesce: you know a lil french. i told you so! i told you so! and i guarantee that i woulda been in intermediate if i could have included all the dirty words i know. which i’m sure will be more valuable than learning to say: lea etudie a la bibliotheque. so i’m now able to blow way too much money to learn french with otha peeps who know just enuf to get into trouble. weeeee! weeee!

on anotha note: i’m so ovah being asked if i’m married. which is a very popular question ovah here. when you apply for a monoprix valued customer club card. or make small talk with a cabbie on the way home. or register for ADVANCED beginner french class. it’s not that i mind answering the q (even tho it’s soooo nobody’s business). it’s that i have to answer with: non, je suis celibataire. i mean, c’mon! there’s gotta be a bettah way to say single!